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Thursday, July 26, 2012

God Works in Mysterious Ways

Sometimes the phrase "God works in mysterious ways" is an understatement. But nonetheless, it is true. God truly works in mysterious ways. We, as humans, spend a lot of time trying to understand ourselves; who we are and what we are made for. Half the time we don't fully trust God because we don't understand our inner workings. But the.... but then God comes around the corner. He is armed with answered prayer and peace. But, we are confused, because we don't grasp how the answers relate to us. We hesitate to accept the peace. Next thing you know, emotions are rising up from the crevices of your heart, challenging God's answers....

What if........
              But how about......
                                Remember feeling........

Then I remember that all the old things Satan (Snap, it was him all along) tries to drudge up and that indeed- old. Man, Satan can make the past seem like yesterday; sometimes it is, but most of the time it was weeks, months or years ago.

Somewhere along the line, I gave those insecurities, frustrations, worries to God. So, Satan, you actually have no power over me. If I did not give them to God in the past, then I can now and Satan still loses.

God is truly mysterious. He answers prayers when he wants to. Show's up when he wants to while simultaneously never leaving your side. And now that Satan is out of the way, we see that the answers to our questions also reveal and explain more of who God made us to be. Then before we know it we have taken the peace that He was offering. We win.