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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Today is a New Day

Woke up this morning? Check.

Breath in my lungs? Check.

A working mind? Check.

Health? Check.

A loving and forgiving God? Check.

I will lift mine eyes unto the hills. He is my present help. Ps. 121:1, 46:1. So, I will be glad that I have today. I didn't have to have today, but I do.

As I look out my new window of my new apartment, I am at peace. I love the nature and its beauty. However this peace did not arrive because today I did everything perfectly, but because I am thinking about my very perfect God. He crossed my mind and made me smile. :-D How about that.

There is something very profound about God. Could it be the way his bright and beautiful rays kiss the earth? Or could it be his tall unwavering trees standing ever constant in my life? No, it must be the security I feel of knowing that as the weather changes I have warm clothes. Yes, that must be it!

Today is a new day and tomorrow shall be one as well. I'm just going to take life one step at a time allowing Christ to prepare the way ahead of me. :-)

Are you glad that there is hope for a new day?


  1. So glad for NEW days ... or new anything. New mercies. New joys. New songs! You get it. Thank you for reminding me that a new day is a good day.

    1. lol Not a problem. I know that I constantly need this reminder.
