"Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge."
Reading this verse during my devotions this morning brought something to mind. What if we were to live our lives while we are young for our kids in the future? So many parents find themselves in compromising or hypocritical situations when their past misdeeds come to the surface. Wouldn't the logical thing be to not do certain things so later on in life you won't regret it? Instead society pushed everyone to believe that they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, with whomever they want and that's fine because that's what their heart desires.
"Wise people are careful and stay out of trouble, but fools are careless and quick to act."
The Bible teaches something completely different. The Bible says that you are counted wise if you DON'T do everything that your flesh desires to do.
"Fools don't care is they sin, but honest people wok at being right." Proverbs 14:9
There actually are some things out there that God does NOT want us to try. Although it may not be mainstream to seek a pure and noble lifestyle, it's the wise thing to do.
So, for those of us without kids of our own yet, think of them and how our actions shape the type of life they will have. For each one of us, think about all of his children God has allowed to come into your life; our actions shape the type of life they live as well.
What habit should you quit for the sake of others?
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