Today, while talking to one of my students, I recalled a
time when he was disrespectful to me in class.
It was only yesterday, so it was fresh on the mind. After going back and forth about what really happened, he began to share why he acted so rudely. “I knew you would ask about it. I needed to be held accountable.”
It was only yesterday, so it was fresh on the mind. After going back and forth about what really happened, he began to share why he acted so rudely. “I knew you would ask about it. I needed to be held accountable.”
Wow. I needed to be
held accountable. That is a very powerful statement to come from the mouth
of a 16-year-old struggling with defiance. At that moment, God has helped him
to articulate that being held accountable was something to be valued.
I was so shocked at the statement that I instantly performed
some introspection. How willing am I to be held accountable?
Also today, a friend of mine vented about one of her
coworkers that was not open to being held accountable. She rehashed many
memories of frustrating scenarios and impact it left on her. It was hard to see
her hurting, but at the same time it made me think. Why do we as adults reject
accountability so often? When we see that spirit in children, we instantly know
how to diagnose that child; but we do not perform the doctor role when the
patient is ourselves.
Lord, this is definitely one of the reasons your Word tells
us to possess a humble spirit. When we are filled with pride, it is close to
impossible for us to grow. Why? Because we are not doing anything that warrants
a change. How sad.
So, despite my title of teacher,
without my student’s knowledge, he taught me a refresher lesson on being humble.
If I critique others for being difficult with God, then I must not refuse to surrender
my weakness to God and take his help—whatever form it comes in.
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