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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Journal Entry: Breakthrough

April 6, 2014

Dear Lord,

     I've had a breakthrough! I now see that I am ashamed of my life’s gospel. 2 Tim. 1:7 says that you do give me a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and love and self-control. All that my life is is because of what you have done and not because of anything that I have done. Maybe that is why I have been so ashamed? I did not want others to know why I thought my life was in shambles. However, my life is not in shambles; I have nothing to be ashamed of and I should be praising your name.

     Actually I should be proud to tell my story! Why? Because God is at the center. There is nothing exceptional or traditional about my life; however, that is what makes my testimony all the more powerful. My story is really God speaking through me; shining through me.

     In order for me to step into my future, I have to boldly proclaim all that God has done for me. Now what I think is noteworthy. Wow…. Look at what I have been doing, Lord. I have been holding back my testimony in fear of its validity and its reception by others.

No longer!

     I am qualified and educated by you. My degree is in progress at the B.I.B.L.E University and my guidance counselor, the Holy Spirit, is with me every step of the way. I am me and I choose to take it instead of leave it.



Monday, April 7, 2014

Reflections on the Year So Far

     As April has begun, I see that I have the opportunity to reflect. Reflect on the goodness of Christ during the past couple of months.

     Since writing The Truth About Helplessness, And the Answer Is, and With a Swiftness!, I have reconnected with God and His reality for me. I see that He was able to purge me of many doubt and fears. I may not have answers to all of my questions, but it's not as big a deal. I do not need all my questions answered. I feel like I have regained control over my life. I guess you can say that I feel empowered.

     Keeping all my frustrations would kept me in a negative place. When frustrations consume ones mind, they push out the voice of God leaving your own. However, your own voice will guide you no where.

      I encourage you to reflect on 2014 so far. I know that the story for this year is still in the beginning chapters, but be encouraged.
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." Eph. 3:20
Start here:
   1. What challenges have I faced?
   2. What questions do I have for God?
   3. How has me blessed me through the trial?
   4. What character weakness could He be working on?

I know God will carry you through because He is able.

How do you think He is able? Share that with me below!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

With a Swiftness!

Transformation 3

     February was one of the most challenging months that I have endured in a very long time. Writing these Transformation testimonies has helped me to process, accept, and grow from what the Lord allowed me to go through. If you are going through some serious trials, go to the Lord and tell him what you think. Write out your fears and pain so that God can transform them into courage and love. Now here is the last installment.

With a Swiftness!

     Impatience is the understatement of the year. So much so that I struggle with revealing this weakness in words right now.

     I recall sitting at my desk in my classroom pondering how on earth I would ever make it through the month. With all the questions running on repeat in my mind, I was sure that I was doomed. There are 28 days in February? Well not in the year 2014. There were about 40 days in that month with each day containing 30 long and excruciating hours.

     There was a one particular coworker that I was praying for. There needed to be a change otherwise I would lose my Jesus through dealing with her--so I thought. I begged and pleaded with God to open her eyes, to grant me patience, to give me the words to speak to her, to reveal the secret recipe on how to deal with her. 

I got nothing.

I just had to keep pressing on through the fire and hope for relief. 

What craziness!

     How could I not see that each day was an answer to prayer! Arg! Everyday God was calling for me to stand firm on the Bible and focus on His will for me that day. How do I know this? It was all revealed weeks later in March. She informed me that God had rebuked her for how she had treated me on a particular day. However, I did not need to know that to trust God. I did not need the satisfaction, yet I craved it more than I craved the Word of God to give me guidance.

     When we hurry God along, we are setting up our own cones along the road to direct God on how He should lead and guide. Yet we give him no authority to actually lead and guide. 
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Fist and the Last the Beginning and the End." Rev. 22:13
God is both in the beginning and the end of the situation, which automatically makes his credentials to take the lead more substantial than our own.
"God is willing and He is able
This did not catch Him by surprise
So just trust Him and just oh, step aside"
~Step Aside by Yolanda Adams

     I have heard this from God before, but there is a reason why Paul wrote:
"I protest, brothers, by my pride in you, which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die every day!" 1 Cor. 15:31
It is because we must renew our hearts every day as to abstain from falling back into the same bad cycles. Cycles of trusting self more than God; of greed; of lying; of lust; of hate.

     It is time for me to respond to the Lord's call for me to act. He has never ceased to be about His business. It is time for me to pick up my feet and trust God with all of my heart. To focus only on Him throughout my day instead of all the many injustices I feel are falling upon me. Then I am to love all mankind, not excluding my enemies, as Jesus did.

Of course, I will do it With a Swiftness!