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Friday, January 10, 2014

Past Words, Present Reminder

As I looked back on some of my old posts, I feel like I have relearned some very important lessons tonight.

One  I am very thankful to be reminded of putting God in front of me instead of behind me.

I don't know if it is memory loss or just pride, but I find it to easy to develop that "I've got it" attitude even thought it has failed me in the past. I am not referring to confidence, I am referring to the type of thoughts that slowly/quickly push away God. Thoughts that remove him from the throne of our hearts. Thoughts that belittle his character and magnify my own. Dangerous thoughts.

When I want to take the reigns, all of a sudden I know that answers to more questions and the great mysteries. How funny is that. I am no where intelligent enough to answer all the questions of life, let alone the tough questions I meet each day. Then why would I think I could manage it all on my own.

Job 39-41 was written for moments like this when I forget how great God is. When God reminds me that he is the one who gave horses their strength. The one that created the hawk to fly through His wisdom. I can not compare.

But, I am not saddened by such revelations. I am empowered. I was not created to do it all on my own. I was not created to answer all of my questions. I was not created to become the creator. I am the creation. I need to stand up behind the one whose death allows me to be white as snow. I don't have to know all the answers because all I have to do is ask and it shall be given unto me.
"Trust and obey"
It is easier said than done, however oh so important. Do not slip into the valley of pride and discouragement. Stay connected to the source of life- the Living Water. 

"Pray in the Spirit at al times with all kinds of prayers, asking for everything you need. To do this you must always be ready and never give up. Always pray for all God's people." Eph. 6:18

I was reminded of this principle for a reason. I need to meditate on it this weekend and apply it to my life again. How about you? Why has God led you to this message?



  1. Wow... " thoughts that slowly/quickly push away God. Thoughts that remove him from the throne of our hearts. Thoughts that belittle his character and magnify my own. Dangerous thoughts." MERCY!!!
    Thanks for this sis!
