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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Oh Ye of Little Faith

Today was an interesting day. I received some bad news that upset my plans. Since I am currently in transition in my life, I thought everything was finally falling into place. So receiving bad news was no where near on the agenda.

But, wait.

I call a friend, and she shares with me a miracle that God worked out just today. One of the hubcaps off her car tire fell off last week, so fixing that was today's mission. The store clerk informs her that he does not sell singles hubcaps. Shock! Horror! Come on. Really? So what does God do? He gives her a free one. Yes, He does. Someone she knew bought new hubcaps and saw that she needed one, so he put one on her car. Just like that.

Oh ye of little faith.

I have nothing to say. Fear and doubt crept into my heart sooo quickly. But, then my Protector reminds me who how strong and capable he truly is.

Oh ye of little faith.

God says to me that if He can supply the tires needs, how much more shall he supply the needs of His daughter-- His child?

Oh ye of little faith.

Don't doubt, guys. Life will throw you plenty of curve balls, but remember the HUBCAP!

"He replied, 'You of little faith, why are you so afraid?' Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm." Matthew 8:26

Gone through any trials lately? How has God reminded you that He will take care of you?

 photo credit: That Hartford Guy via photopin cc

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